Portland Maternity Photography: Brigitte + Eric
I’m going to lay these cards on the table right here — the photograph above was accomplished with equal parts luck and doggy bribery. Sure, a glowing, photogenic expectant mother and an adorable dog sound like a recipe for automatic success, but if you’ve ever tried to get pictures with your pet, you know that this is not always the case. Certain stars have to align, and I’m sure glad they did.
As for the rest of the shoot, it was hard to go wrong with this amount of cute all in the same room (or yard, as it were). Full disclosure: Brigitte found the idea for the basketball photos on Pinterest and loved them, so we made them happen, with the clever addition of Eric’s old-school Celtics jacket from when he was a kid. Stay tuned for newborn photos (I’m sure there’ll be even more cute to come!)