Engagement Session Season is here, and alyson levy PHOTOGRAPHY is celebrating with a booking special!

Book your wedding photography with me between now and the end of February, and get either an ENGAGEMENT SESSION or a WEDDING ALBUM UPGRADE for FREE with your wedding collection!

Use the form below to get in touch about your wedding photography today and take advantage of this special offer - it only happens once a year, so grab it while you can!

Why do we need an engagement session?

An Engagement Session does more than give you great photos of you and your soulmate - it gives us a chance to get to know each other before the wedding, and having some practice, in turn, makes portraits on your wedding day go fast and smooth. And it’s time set aside to have fun and be silly or loving or close or romantic with your sweetie. It’s great - I promise.

What if we choose a collection that already includes an engagement session?

If you choose one of my collection that already includes an engagement session, there’s still a special treat available! You can choose to either upgrade the wedding album that comes with your collection, or get a separate book made from your engagement photos. Many clients choose to use this book as a sign-in book at their wedding.